Tomato router firmware tutorials. Frequently Asked Questions Question: What skill level was this designed for? Answer: Our material was designed primarily for beginners and intermediate skill levels. But we also cover some advanced topics too. E1200 and Tomato/DD-WRT firmware? - Linksys Community searched the forum but can't find an answer: can i install tomato or other custom firmware on my router Linksys E1200 ? Anyone who tried it, does it work ? 1 person had this problem. Me too. 0 Kudos Report Inappropriate Content. Message 1 of 5 (16,854 Views) Reply. Highlighted. sabretooth. DD-WRT Forum :: View topic - E4200 through put problems?

Unable to restore default firmware from tomato | MyOpenRouter

Linksys E4200 - DD-WRT Wiki The E4200 uses nv60k builds, do NOT flash nv64k nor generic builds. To upgrade stock firmware to DD-WRT, use the Flashing procedure below. Only use trailed builds (with E4200 in the file name) to avoid bricking. AFTER initial flash, only use trailed OR nv60k builds - NOT nv64k nor generic builds.

Aug 08, 2014

Tomato Shibby E4200 WAN 100mbps limited? | Aug 08, 2014