Eduroam has been tested and verified working on Apple OSX, Microsoft Windows, Linux, Android, and Apple iOS.. Connecting to Eduroam. While each device configuration is different, they all follow the same basic directions: Select the wireless network eduroam from the list of wireless networks. Select Connect (check Connect automatically if you’d like).
Native Cisco VPN on Mac OS X. Confirmed working on OS X High Sierra. The proprietary CiscoVPN Mac client is somewhat buggy. It is possible to use the IPSec VPN software included with Mac OS X instead. This tutorial shows you how to migrate from CiscoVPN to the native OS X IPSec VPN by decrypting passwords saved in CiscoVPN PCF files. Advertisment Solved: cisco client .pcf file location - Cisco Community Here is the PCF file directory for Linux: /etc/opt/cisco-vpnclient/Profiles Unfortunately there is no PCF file in MAC OSX. with the inbuilt VPN Client Hope that helps. Setup a Cisco VPN in macOS using a PCF file | Ted Wise
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Native Cisco VPN on Mac OS X - With Group Password Decoder! Native Cisco VPN on Mac OS X. Confirmed working on OS X High Sierra. The proprietary CiscoVPN Mac client is somewhat buggy. It is possible to use the IPSec VPN software included with Mac OS X instead. This tutorial shows you how to migrate from CiscoVPN to the native OS X IPSec VPN by decrypting passwords saved in CiscoVPN PCF files. Advertisment Solved: cisco client .pcf file location - Cisco Community
Save that in notepad with a .pcf extensions and your users can import it for you. Though the quickest way to create a pcf file is just do a remote session to your first mobile users computer. Enter the information in the vpn client, and then email yourself the pcf file it created.
Jul 05, 2018 How to import Cisco pcf into Mac Book Pro Solutions